Friday, April 27, 2012

One Month To Go!

(almost) 36 weeks

It's hard to believe I'm getting so close to the end of my pregnancy.  It's also hard to believe that I (probably) have another month of getting even BIGGER!  I still don't have any major pregnancy complaints, but I am getting a little sick of being huge.  But I'm not showing any signs of having to back off the workouts.  I actually made it to the 5:30 a.m. class twice this week - big accomplishment! 

Earlier this week, Justin and I threw down in our tiebreaker workout made up by Bobby:

200m row
20 hang power clean & jerks (95/65)
200m row
20 hang power snatches (95/65)
100m row
10 front squats (95/65)
100m row
10 overhead squats (95/65)

Justin: 7:08
Lindsay: 7:52

Not very fair with all the rowing, but Justin threatened to delete the video if he didn't win.  He took the win well though:

Congrats, Justin.  Good win.  Moving on ...

I always like hearing the experiences of other pregnant crossfitters.  This article was recently published in the CrossFit Journal:  (free download by clicking the link on the right).  I love her message: "CrossFit taught me about patience in the midst of physical pain, and pregnancy and labor reinforced this lesson in a different but surprisingly symbiotic way. The two complement each other perfectly, and the result is healthy women and healthy babies. In many ways, that was more rewarding for me than a new PR or fitting back into my clothes."  Something I'll try and keep in mind when I'm going through labor!
Other news:  Bobby and my official final weigh-in day will be May 16, the day before he leaves for regionals.  He's really stepped up his weight gain efforts.  If this baby arrives before then, I'm in trouble!

30 days left! 

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